We are thrilled that the Nonprofit Technology Conference, also known as NTC, is happening in DC this year! NTC is a three-day gathering, which brings together nonprofit professionals to collaborate, innovate, and maximize effectiveness. With a wide mix of social events, seminars, trainings, and resources, you will learn how to use technology effectively to advance their missions and bring about change.
The conference will take place at the at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, located at 2660 Woodley Road NW. We look forward to meeting everyone at the events listed below.
» Register for the conference or the Online NTC
» Getting Ready for 14NTC, Blog Post by Johan Hammerstrom
» Webinar: March 27, Best of Nonprofit Tech
March 12, 7 pm
The 6th Annual #NTCBEER
Join us in celebrating the 6th annual #ntcbeer, the pre-conference, party known for good refreshments and better conversation. Catch up with nptech friends old and new over a few brews or whatever. The Black Squirrel, located at 2427 18th St. NW, has three floors, 80 microbrews, and 15 minutes walking time from the Marriott in the trendy Adams Morgan district of DC. This event is free, but we encourage you to RSVP here.
March 13-14
NTC Science Fair
Please be sure to visit our exhibitor booth 311 at the Science Fair. We would love to talk to you about your organization’s IT needs. You can also pick up cool CommunityIT swag and enter a raffle to win a solar/usb cellphone charger. Even if you are not registered for the conference, you can get a free show floor pass to attend the Science Fair from 2-6 pm on Thur., March 13 and from 2 pm until close on Fri., March 14.
Please join COO Johan Hammerstrom & CTO Matthew Eshleman at the following sessions.
Thurs., March 13
10:30am – 12:00pm
Head in the Clouds: Real-world experiences and recommendations for moving technology infrastructure to the cloud
Matt Eshleman, Chief Technology Officer
10:30am – 12:00pm
Build Your Own BYOD
Johan Hammerstrom, Chief Operating Officer
Fri., March 14
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Lost in the Clouds: Introduction to Cloud Brokering and Data Governance
Johan Hammerstrom, Chief Operating Officer
Sat., March 15
10:30am – 12:00pm
Leveraging the Cloud to Scale
Matt Eshleman, Chief Technology Officer