Community IT Innovators July 2017 News

It is hard to believe, but we are officially halfway through 2017.  Some of the key trends we have seen this year in nonprofit technology are a rapidly evolving threat landscape and the continued growth of cloud-based IT.  At Community IT, we have been focused on both issues and have 6 webinars and several blog posts devoted to these topics.
Next Webinar: Crafting Your Nonprofit IT Security Policy
The three pillars of effective IT security are the right tools, staff training and effective policy.  We have focused on the first two in previous webinars, so this month our CTO Matt Eshleman will present the July webinar on creating or updating your IT security policy.
I hope you’ll join us Wednesday July 19th from 4-5pm to learn what your security policy needs to cover, and how to help your organization put your policy in a format that can be easily updated as often as your IT technology changes.
If staff don’t know what your policies are, or can’t easily follow them, you will face real risks and vulnerabilities. This webinar will help you involve key players to spread the importance (and improve ease of use!) of your security policy.
This webinar is appropriate for nonprofit executives, managers and nonprofit IT personnel. We welcome and encourage audience participation and love the chance to address practical and timely nonprofit technology situations in our monthly webinars.
Please note, we have many resources available on our website on IT security, risk assessment, and training staff.

A link to the 2016 State of the Nonprofit Cloud report from NTEN. 100% of respondents use 2+ cloud applications; service features and the ability of staff to work remotely and access data remotely were most important in decision making, over staff training concerns. Read More
Peter Mirus at Build Consulting answers questions on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for nonprofits on their blog this week. He concludes “Dynamics CRM Online is a stretch for organizations that rely on fundraising for a large portion of their revenue. There are many other CRM systems more ideal for fundraising organizations. Organizations that rely on other forms of revenue have good reason to consider Dynamics CRM Online. These include nonprofits that rely on grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, or membership dues.” Read More
We also recently featured a post on hiring nonprofit IT roles, and I gave a webinar on the topic last summer.
Please let me know if you have questions or ideas for future webinar topics you’d like covered, and follow me on LinkedIn or FaceBook for all my latest posts and news.
Warm Regards,
Johan Hammerstrom, President & CEO