For anyone who missed the FREE August webinar, our President & CEO Johan Hammerstrom presented the Community IT experience in nonprofit technology management.
We all know nonprofit IT failures can be the most time- and money-intensive stressful horrible experiences ever – but what does IT success look like? What do you need in place to maximize your chances of having your IT earn you a pat on the back? Or even – just maybe – have your IT project help you help save the world?!?
Johan is someone who’s seen it all as nonprofit tech has evolved over the past 15 years. He’ll share what we’ve learned about the path to failure, and take you through simple steps and questions to ask as you approach a new project, try to fix a past project, or just wonder if there is a better way to maintain your current projects.
We know organizations that find the correct balance of IT with their mission and culture can soar.
In the upcoming September 17th webinar, Nuradeen Aboki and Mark Kraemer from Community IT will discuss best practices in end-user security in our evolving nonprofit technology community.
Topics will include exercising care when browsing, common threats, password tips, email safety, security on your mobile devices and other topics – bring your questions! Users and trainers welcome!