Topic: Windows 10 for the Enterpriseorange10
Date: March 17, 2016
In addition to providing numerous improvements for end users, Windows 10 also includes a variety of features that make it easier to deploy and manage in nonprofit enterprise environments. Senior Engineer Galen Wenger shares all of the knowledge Community IT has gained over six months of implementing Windows 10 upgrades. Learn how to maximize the value of Windows 10 for your nonprofit. Galen discusses automation, security improvements, branding and other customization features.
You can learn more about Windows 10 features from our June 2015 Webinar here.
Galen WengerGalen Wenger is a Senior Engineer at CommunityIT specializing in Windows Server administration, workstation lifecycle management, and Google Apps. He joined CommuityIT in April 2009 after two years of providing technical support in a university setting. Galen has a B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Administrator and Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist. Galen lives in Lancaster, PA, where he co-leads an organization encouraging community engagement and spends his free time writing.

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