A short guide to help you secure your IT foundation to set up IT innovation success.
If your nonprofit wants to be innovative in IT, you know there are risks and benefits to consider. Some start up nonprofits have found creative IT that provides an opening for service delivery or a way to operate that has not been tried before, that gives them a competitive advantage in their sector. Some mature nonprofits have been entrepreneurial with internal IT supporting their staff, or external facing IT supporting their clients and donors. IT innovation can revolutionize benefits to your community and fuel your nonprofit mission. How do you build the foundation for IT innovation?
Community IT has worked with several clients whose IT innovations created more problems than they solved.
How can your leadership team tell the difference between an IT idea that your organization can support and one that will cause wide-reaching headaches? How can you identify where to take an IT chance?
Having provided outsourced Managed IT Services to nonprofit organizations for over 25 years, we’ve learned that the organizations that are best able to execute and capitalize on innovative IT projects start with a solid IT foundation.
Their leadership team understands and values IT as fundamental to the business needs of their nonprofit.
They have a high-functioning ownership of IT decision making, and widespread organizational buy-in for IT solutions.
They actively break down organizational silos and have a technology roadmap that guides long-term strategy. With that capacity, these organizations are able to be creative and find innovative, problem-solving IT uses.
And by building on a strong IT foundation, these organizations are able to predict and address the impact IT innovation has on the organization as a whole, setting their innovative project up for success.