AI tools are growing ahead of the capacity of governments, the private sector, and nonprofits to develop policies around the ethics of these tools. It is clear the marketplace is not going to slow down on introducing new applications of AI.
If your nonprofit wants to be intentional about using AI to protect your data and guard against bias and equity issues, you know you need to create an Acceptable Use Policy for AI Tools.
Many of the templates online for Acceptable Use of AI Tools are very generic. Community IT created this template from publicly available resources and tailored it to the nonprofit sector. All or parts of this policy can be freely used by your organization. There is no prior approval required. If you would like to contribute feedback or share an updated version of this policy for our consideration as a public resource, please contact us.
You may also be interested in using this Framework for Responsible AI Adoption for Philanthropy, created by the Technology Association of Grantmakers and Project Evident. This free framework includes considerations for AI adoption in three key areas – Organizational, Ethical, and Technical – each essential for grantmakers considering the use of AI.
Having provided outsourced Managed IT Services to nonprofit organizations for over 25 years, Community IT has learned that all organizations can benefit from a solid foundation of policy documents to help all staff manage IT. Please create your own version for your nonprofit organization using this template for Acceptable Use of AI Tools in the Nonprofit Workplace and let us know your feedback. A preview of the first page of the template is shown below.
For more information on the need for IT Policies you may be interested in this podcast with Senior Consultant Nura Aboki. For more on Nonprofits, AI, and Cybersecurity, our CTO and cybersecurity expert Matt Eshleman recorded this podcast.
CEO Johan Hammerstrom and Director of IT Consulting Steve Longenecker discuss how to choose nonprofit tech platforms March 19th at 3pm Eastern, Noon Pacific.
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