Podcast: Matching Business Processes and Nonprofit IT with Johan Hammerstrom

CEO Johan Hammerstrom on ways your nonprofit IT can be a mismatch with your business needs, and how to find solutions.

Podcast: Anti-Doxxing and Nonprofit Staff Safety with Shauna Dillavou

Carolyn Woodard’s interview with the founder of Brightlines, about protecting nonprofit staff from online threats.

Video: Microsoft VS Google Workspace: Choosing the Right Platform

Microsoft VS Google Workspace presentation hosted by UST Education with tips to determine your nonprofit business needs when choosing a platform

Podcast: 4 New Year’s Resolutions

Director of Outreach Carolyn Woodard’s four New Year’s Resolutions to make for 2025 to be safe, sane, and fun for your IT staff and your nonprofit.

Podcast: Top Nonprofit IT Stories of 2024

Senior staff at Community IT share what is on their mind from 2024 and what they are watching going into 2025.

Podcast: Going Server-Less

Why are you still paying for a physical server? Learn how to cut costs, be more secure, and have a more convenient platform with Norwin Herrera.

Podcast: New Nonprofit Auditing Requirements SAS145

CEO Johan Hammerstrom on the updated guidelines from AICPA and how including IT risks will change your nonprofit auditor’s questions.

Podcast: 6 Tips for Nonprofit IT in December

Carolyn Woodard reviews recent podcasts and webinars for advice on the priority projects to start if you have a little quiet time before the new year.

Podcast: Cloud File Organization Tips

Norwin Herrera speaks about the necessity of organizing files stored in the cloud for cybersecurity and productivity, especially in the rising world of AI search.

Video: De-Stress! Self-Care in Nonprofit IT Roles

Carolyn Woodard shares strategies to de-stress and re-charge to better manage nonprofit IT and help your organization achieve your mission.