Ever wish you could get smart about nonprofit technology while folding your laundry or walking the dog? Now you can! These podcast episodes are taken from our monthly webinar topics and are appropriate for a varied level of technology expertise. Community IT is fiercely vendor-agnostic and our podcast covers a range of topics and discussions with experts answering the questions of nonprofit professionals just like you.
If you missed any of our webinars, or just want to kick back with a friendly technology crew, subscribe to our podcast today.

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This morning (while doing several other things!) I listened to the IT Management Fundamentals webinar that you did a few years ago. A recent Community IT email message boosted it, which got it on the top of my inbox, and I’m glad I hit the play button. It was great! I think it’s a helpful and realistic overview.
– a satisfied podcast listener

You may also be interested in our series Community IT Voices, where we interview nonprofit professionals at Community IT about their careers and accomplishments, and ask for their advice for anyone starting out in nonprofit technology support or looking to make a career switch. Look for Community IT Voices episodes below.

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Webinar: 2025 Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report with Matt Eshleman

The 7th Annual Nonprofit Cybersecurity Incident Report. Learn about emerging threats April 23d at 3pm Eastern/Noon Pacific.

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