Webinar: May 26th 2016 – Successful SharePoint Implementation – Slides & Recording

In this webinar follow up to last month’s discussion of planning a migration to SharePoint, Abdul Musa and Johanny Torrico will delve into the basics of going through with an implementation. They will provide a robust methodology based on standard Information Architecture (IA) principles for successfully assessing and migrating organizational documents to SharePoint.

Community IT is Hiring Senior Engineers

Want to join an incredible team of people who love providing technology support to nonprofit organizations so they can focus on their mission instead of their IT?

Un-Selling SharePoint Webinar April 21

Join Steve Longenecker and Johanny Torrico on April 21st from 4-5pm EDT for a thorough Un-Selling of SharePoint.

Academy of Hope Partners with Community IT Innovators

Community IT is so pleased to be partnering with the Academy of Hope, an adult public charter school serving Washington DC.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Partners with Community IT Innovators

Community IT Innovators is so pleased to partner with the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, which builds unique partnerships to support innovative science addressing today’s food and agriculture challenges.

16NTC in San Jose CA – April 2016 News

Contrary to popular opinion, nonprofits, despite their resource constraints — or maybe because of them — have developed a resourceful, creative and engaged approach to using technology effectively. There is a growing awareness that this involves management (people and process) as much as the technology itself.

Physical Data Storage Isn't Dead

“Health care, manufacturing and natural resources companies can all justify owning this much storage. In 10 years, a big sanitation company with sensors on its Dumpsters to manage pickups could have tens of petabytes.” – NYTimes.com

Cyber Security – Hospitals

Monday’s hacking at MedStar came one month after a Los Angeles hospital paid hackers $17,000 to regain control of its computer system, which hackers had seized with ransomware using an infected email attachment. – PBS Newshour

Slides & Recording – Windows 10 for the Enterprise Webinar

It was a gorgeous St. Patrick’s Day yesterday, at least in Washington DC – so, just in case you missed it, here is a link to the slides and video from Galen Wenger’s awesome webinar yesterday afternoon on managing Windows 10 for the Enterprise.

Rosslyn BID (Business Improvement District) Partners With Community IT

The Rosslyn Business Improvement District (BID), which started operations in 2003, provides services designed to make Rosslyn Virginia an exciting, urbane commercial and residential community. Community IT is so pleased to be partnering with this economic and cultural community organization.