Software is Eating My Nonprofit
Johan Hammerstrom, Community IT COO, explores the many ways in which software is becoming fundamental for all nonprofit organizations. In 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote a now famous op ed for the Wall Street Journal in which he coined the phrase “software is eating the world”. In the piece, Andreessen argues that, “…we are in the middle of a dramatic and broad technological and economic shift in which software companies are poised to take over large swathes of the economy.”
Podcast: Nonprofits Need I.T. Love, Too
David Deal, Community IT CEO, was recently interviewed by Ernesto Gluecksmann of Infamia, Vanessa French of Pivot Point, and Blake Althen of Human Factor, on Through the Noise podcast. In the podcast, David talks about the history of Community IT and the evolving world of nonprofit technology.
2014 Nonprofit Tech Events
At Community IT we are always keeping our eyes open for the latest nonprofit technology events. Check out the upcoming featured events, and share events you come across.
IT Staffing: Topgrading 101
Guest Blogger Barry Smith, Managing Partner at StartFinder, discusses how you can apply the concept of “Topgrading” to your organization’s IT staffing. He talks about how to implement a recurring, structured system to categorize and retain key performers and coach up or out those who should be in a different role or out of the organization.
Nonprofit Purpose, Performance & IT Capacity
Many people come to work at nonprofits because it offers the opportunity to do something personally meaningful for them. The nonprofit workplace environment they come into have often nurtured this, benefited from it, and in many cases have built their workplace culture around it.
Webinar: January 30, 2014 – Cloud File Sharing for Nonprofits
There are a plethora of options for nonprofits for cloud file sharing now. In the past organizations had to buy a server to store files, and have access to a shared drive. Nowadays, there is Egnyte, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sharepoint and other tools available. They vary in terms of the functionalities they provide, and how much they cost. Johan Hammerstrom, COO, and Matthew Eshleman, CTO, will compare different file sharing options for nonprofits, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
Egnyte: Hybrid File Sharing for Nonprofits
In this interview, guest blogger, Barry Phillips, Chief Marketing Officer at Egnyte, talks about the value of Egnyte for nonprofits. He explains, “Egnyte has quite a few nonprofit customers. In addition to the ability to connect to files on local storage devices while inside or outside of the office, our unique sub-folder permissioning capability combined with our cloud solution is popular with nonprofit organizations.”
Password Policy Tips
How do you get staff on board with your password policy specifically and security polices more generally? Here are a few things to consider that look at policy and administration of an effective password policy.
In many cases, a password complexity requirements and expiration rules can be set in the program you are using. Organizations on Windows networks will find this very easy with Active Directory.