Webinar: October 24, 2013 – IT Planning & Budgeting

As a follow up to the May webinar on IT Planning & Budgeting, we are organizing a joint webinar with Nonprofit Roundtable to share case studies and best practices. In this webinar Johan Hammerstrom, COO at Community IT Innovators, will talk about the essential elements of an annual IT budget, IT considerations in a project budget, and key personnel in building the budget and managing it.

Windows 8.1 – Should You Upgrade?

Almost a year ago I reviewed Windows 8. With some maddening changes and no obvious benefits I had decided that I would recommend people stay away. Well, Microsoft has made some slight tweaks, brought back a Start button (more on that in a bit, I promise) and improved things just enough. I’m evaluating the update. With a bit of polish and some much needed updates, is Windows 8.1 ready for everyone?

Webinar: August 29, 2013 – Office 365 for Nonprofits: Slides & Audio

On August 29, 2013 Johanny Torrico did a webinar on Office 365 for Nonprofits. You can watch the webinar recording and download the slides or review them below. The questions answered during the webinar are included in this recap.

Technology Leadership Lacking at NGOs

Why do more international NGO’s not have a C-level (CIO, CTO, CDO) IT role? In my experience, most NGO’s don’t feel that they make particularly effective use of technology. While this is by no means a scientific claim, my participation in InsideNGO and relationship with NGO clients of Community IT has led me to this observation.

Webinar: September 26, 2013 – Dive into Windows 8.1

Microsoft released Windows 8 with a bang, but got an earful of feedback from users. Now they are getting ready to release Windows 8.1, which leverages the cloud and provides some improvements to Windows 8. Join David Dawson, Senior Engineer, to preview Windows 8.1 and see how to get your organization ready for it.

Interview: Mobile Device Policy

Richard Wollenberger, IT Director at Parents as Teachers, discusses his thoughts about the mobile device management (MDM) policy they implemented in their organization. He also shared a sample Personal Mobile Policy that can be customized by other organizations.

Looking for a New MacBook?

As a companion piece to Matthew Eshleman’s article on purchasing a new Windows laptop, I wanted to share my thoughts on purchasing a new MacBook. I had been a reliable Windows user for my entire computer career. In fact, the last time I had used a Mac was in college in the early 90s when I had a Mac Classic.

Looking for a New Windows Laptop?

Picking a laptop computer is a very personal and subjective task. Unlike a desktop computer that can be tucked neatly under a desk and hidden from sight, the laptop computer and its user form a very close personal bond. Individual preference, in this case, carries far more weight than forcing a specific brand or form factor on a staff person.

Mobile Citizen: Mobile Internet for Nonprofits

The following post is a Q&A with Michelle Warner, Director of Mobile Citizen, a nonprofit organization providing affordable mobile Internet. Mobile Citizen’s low-cost, high-speed mobile Internet service is 4G technology powered by CLEAR.

Webinar: August 29, 2013 – Office 365 for Nonprofits

Microsoft now offers nonprofits an opportunity to apply for free licenses for using Office 365, a cloud version of Office. Should your organization make the leap to Office 365? Join us for a free webinar with Johanny Torrico, Community IT’s Director of Ongoing Support, who will discuss the benefits of using Office 365 in your organization.