CrisisCamp brings together tech-savvy volunteers to help Haiti

CrisisCamp Haiti is a project of Crisis Commons, an organization that brings together technology volunteers to help with disaster relief […]

Event Round-up

There are a lot of interesting nonprofit technology events coming up in DC in the next few weeks, covering topics from green IT, to managing technology, to what a CIO perspective can add to your organization.

New Event Series: CITIzens Forums

We’re starting a new series of informal gatherings to discuss topics important to nonprofits. The idea is to bring people together to share your ideas. Register now for the first forum on January 20 to discuss Social Media.

People, Process, and Technology: Meeting with Paul King on the value of a holistic approach

Recently, several of us at CITI met with Paul King of Process Experts (and former CIO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). We knew there was a connection when we read his tagline, which reads “Integrating People, Process, & Technology,” which is a concept and the exact language we use at CITI in our own collateral material and conversations.

The 10-Second Rule: Optimizing Your Website for Donations, webinar August 19

You’ve probably realized that having a “Donate” button on your website is not enough to improve your online fundraising. Do you know what else you need on your site to encourage donations? Join Glennette Clark for a webinar on Optimizing Your Website for Donations, Tuesday, August 19th, in partnership with nonprofit marketing expert Kivi Leroux Miller.