Blog: What is a Nonprofit vCIO? When Does a Nonprofit Benefit?

Learn the value of this role and its limitations, alternatives to vCIO, and how outsourced IT benefits nonprofits.

Video: Managing IT Challenges in the Remote/Hybrid Office

CTO and cybersecurity expert at Community IT Matt Eshleman in a webinar on remote and hybrid work hosted by CIO Hour

Video: Creating Value and Saving Money on Nonprofit Tech

CEO Johan Hammerstrom, hosted by Nonprofit Learning Labs, in a new webinar on creating value with strategic nonprofit IT.

Video: Staffing IT Positions at Nonprofits

CEO Johan Hammerstrom and guest Nura Aboki discuss staffing issues and options and when you know you should outsource or hire or build your IT team from within.

Video: Nonprofit Tech Trends Leaders Need to Know

Hosted by Nonprofit Hub, with CEO Johan Hammerstrom and CTO Matt Eshleman. Learn top trends to help you budget and plan for IT at your nonprofit. Available on-demand.

Video: Cyber Insurance for Nonprofits

Jenna Kirkpatrick Howard from Lockton Insurance talks with cybersecurity expert Matt Eshleman about ways the market is changing and how to learn what coverage you need.

Blog: Technical Debt and Nonprofit IT

What is technical debt and Nonprofit IT? Trying to catch up when you have underinvested in IT can seem overwhelming, but there are practical actions you can take to improve over time, increase security, spread costs out, and budget better.

Video: Moving Office IT Considerations – Update

William Maxwell and Rick Alloway discuss planning for an office move, downsize, or getting rid of your office – what are the IT considerations? When should you start planning?

Video: Building a Foundation for IT Innovation

Pat Sprehe, Carolyn Woodard, and Sarah Wolfe discuss a framework for weighing innovation risks and rewards.

Video: Diverse Perspectives on Thriving in Nonprofit Tech Careers

Panel discussion with four women of color on thriving in nonprofit tech careers coming from under-represented communities, and how to practice inclusion.