Video: Crafting a Nonprofit Cybersecurity Policy

Free video: learn how to create a nonprofit cybersecurity policy, how to dedicate leadership time and organization resources to preventing costly security incidents, and how to communicate policies with staff.

Blog: What Makes Nonprofit IT Unique?

Many nonprofits rely on IT support from generalists – service providers that aren’t specifically focused on the nonprofit space. Assuming […]

Blog: What Should IT Support Look Like for a 20- to 50-Employee Nonprofit?

As we’ve discussed before, nonprofit IT support is unique. There are challenges specific to the context – and, for smaller […]

Blog: How to Prepare Your Nonprofit for a Cyberattack

In today’s world, cyberattack readiness is a must. Too many nonprofits operate under the assumption that their risk of experiencing […]

Video: Does Your Organization Need a Better Technology Roadmap?

Video from Peter Mirus and Build Consulting exploring IT planning for nonprofits and how to create a technology roadmap.

Blog: When Should Nonprofits Outsource IT Support?

For nonprofit organizations, determining when to outsource IT support can be a complicated decision. There’s unique pressure in nonprofit environments. […]

Blog: Onsite IT vs. Remote Helpdesk: Which Offers Better Tech Support for Nonprofits?

Nonprofits face high pressure to be operationally efficient. The onsite IT vs. remote helpdesk discussion can derail your efforts to […]

Blog: What Should IT Support Look Like for a 50- to 100-Employee Nonprofit?

Nonprofit IT support is difficult. The challenges are many. What should IT support look like for a 50- to 100-employee […]

Blog: Why Your Nonprofit Needs an Engaged IT Department

Your organization’s IT team is crucial to the overall health of your nonprofit. A great IT company can help you […]

Blog: How to Choose the Right IT Support for a Nonprofit

Like most services, some managed IT solutions are better than others. The best IT support for nonprofits will have no […]