Webinar: Wednesday August 23, 2017 – We Are All Data Managers. Learn How To Up Your Game – Slides & Recording

Join our colleague Peter Mirus of Build Consulting for a half hour format as we discuss basic skills needed as nonprofit data managers and fundamental tools to build a data mindset. This webinar will make you a better manager of data and a more valued employee to your organization. 

July 2017 News

A key trend we have seen this year in nonprofit technology is a rapidly evolving threat landscape. The three pillars of effective IT security are the right tools, staff training and effective policy. I hope you’ll join our CTO Matt Eshleman Wednesday July 19th from 4-5pm to learn how to put your Nonprofit IT Security Policy in a format that can be easily updated as often as your IT technology changes.

Latest Nonprofit Cloud Strategies Slides and Recordings Links

If you missed Johan Hammerstrom’s webinar on Latest Nonprofit Cloud Strategies, the YouTube video and Slideshare links are now available. Johan walks you through the options, costs and benefits, based on our experience with small and medium sized organizations.

Webinar: Wednesday July 19, 2017 – Crafting Your Nonprofit IT Security Policy – Slides & Recording

CTO Matt Eshleman will take you through a manageable outline to create or update a policy for your organization that will address different levels of access to data; confidentiality and security; emails, passwords, and 2 step authentication; and what policies need to be in place for staff devices and cloud computing.

State of the Nonprofit Cloud

Before Johan’s webinar next week, a link to the 2016 State of the Nonprofit Cloud report from NTEN. 100% of respondents use 2+ cloud applications; service features and the ability of staff to work remotely and access data remotely were most important in decision making, over staff training concerns.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Nonprofits

Peter Mirus at Build Consulting answers questions on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for nonprofits on their blog this week. He concludes “Dynamics CRM Online is a stretch for organizations that rely on fundraising for a large portion of their revenue. There are many other CRM systems more ideal for fundraising organizations. Organizations that rely on other forms of revenue have good reason to consider Dynamics CRM Online. These include nonprofits that rely on grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, or membership dues.”

June 2017 News

In June I’m delighted to be presenting a webinar on big picture cloud strategy for nonprofit organizations – what’s available, what it costs, and why you should (or shouldn’t) expand your cloud platforms and processes. If you’ve wondered what all those acronyms mean (SaaS? IaaS?) I’ll demystify them and lay out the latest developments in this rapidly changing field.

Understanding Cloud Computing

Cloud computing concepts aren’t complicated, and your organization has probably already implemented or contracted with a cloud service in these trending categories. To better understand how nonprofits are using the cloud and where cloud computing is heading, join us June 21st when Johan will review the latest strategies.

Successful Nonprofit Technology Change Management Slides and Recording Links

Links to the slides and YouTube recording of May’s webinar from our partners at Build Consulting on Successful Nonprofit Technology Change Management including a framework for thinking about change at your organization.

Webinar: Wednesday June 21, 2017 – Latest Nonprofit Cloud Strategies – Slides & Recording

Join President and CEO Johan Hammerstrom in a discussion of costs and design for cloud hosting and software options, including Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) and Software as a service (SAAS). He will focus on costs for migration, support, hosting, and hidden costs even for “free” cloud platforms for nonprofits; functionality for users; and especially security.