Video: SharePoint Online for Nonprofits
Steve Longenecker presents SharePoint Online for Nonprofits including file sharing tips, security best practices for organizations, and answers to participant questions.
Community IT offers free webinars monthly to promote learning within our nonprofit technology community. These webinars are appropriate for a varied level of technology expertise and we take questions! Community IT is vendor-agnostic and our webinars cover a range of topics and discussions. Something on your mind you don’t see covered here? Contact us to suggest a topic!
“..these are always super informative & engaging. Lots of food for thought & motivation!”
– a satisfied webinar attendee
Steve Longenecker presents SharePoint Online for Nonprofits including file sharing tips, security best practices for organizations, and answers to participant questions.
For nonprofit organizations to manage and leverage the vast amount of information you create, you need to understand your basics.
Kyle Haines from Build Consulting presented a webinar on how to think about choosing a nonprofit technology platform.
CTO Matt Eshleman presents a webinar discussion of Nonprofit Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Basics, appropriate for all levels of technology knowledge.
Johan Hammerstrom and experts Johanny Torrico and Steve Longenecker discuss tech tips to support nonprofits going back to the office or continuing to work remotely.
Learn how to be an effective nonprofit technology leader during changing times.
Learn what questions to ask a managed service provider to get the best service for your organization.
Free video: learn how to secure Office 365, troubleshoot the set up, how to communicate with your staff essential security measures you expect them to take, and how to effectively share common hacking scenarios they can prevent.
Free video: learn how to create a nonprofit cybersecurity policy, how to dedicate leadership time and organization resources to preventing costly security incidents, and how to communicate policies with staff.
Video from Peter Mirus and Build Consulting exploring IT planning for nonprofits and how to create a technology roadmap.